Colegio Stella Maris La Gavia - Tel. 91 300 50 70 (Código 28073173)

Sample Cambridge Exams to help you prepare for KET or PET

Good Afternoon!

Hopefully you all enjoyed your time off from school and had a Happy Easter, even though we’re all stuck at home.

Today we wanted to share with you some links that will allow you to download a sample A2 KET or B1 PET Cambridge Exam. The links can be found at, which is a wonderful site in general to find resources to help you improve your English. If you have a moment, take some time to click around the site and see what is available. The pages linked below have a number of good resources in addition to the sample tests, such as the «Information for Candidates» guide that you’ll find if you scroll down the page a bit.

To download a sample test, just follow the instructions below!

For A2 KET, head to this link –

For B1 PET, head to this link –

At the top of the page, just below the title ‘Preparation’, you’ll see that it says “Free: Paper-based sample test«.  Below that is a link that says «Download sample papers for A2 Key for Schools» or «Download sample papers for B1 Key for Schools«, depending on which page you’re on.

When you click on the link, the test should automatically download as a local folder on your computer. Open the folder that was downloaded (you might have to open the zip file) and you should see a list of different tests. There’s reading, writing, listening and speaking tests. The speaking test is called “A2 Key for Schools 2020 sample tests Speaking.pdf” or “B1 Preliminary Schools 2020 sample tests Speaking.pdf”.

As you’ll see, the speaking test takes you through all four sections of a sample speaking test. You’ll see the script that the examiner would use, and instructions for each section. Take some time to carefully read through each section, and see how many of the questions you feel comfortable answering!

Until next time!